THE Delaware woodworkerS GUILD*
*welcoming woodworkers of all skill levels
Our guild is currently back to in person meetings. Please check the events below to see where and when our next meeting is.
Woodcraft of Wilmington
Shoppes of New Castle
166 S Dupont Hwy (Route 13), New Castle, DE 19720
Third Sunday* of the month at 12:00 Noon.
* except it will be the Fourth Sunday in April (27th) due to Easter
Contact Danielle at Woodcraft to volunteer for this activity !!

Upcoming Craft Shows / Sales
Information on Craft Fairs in and around our aREA.
Members interested in selling their crafts PLEASE CONTACT THE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE
or the organizations
Dover Day Festival
Dover Days Festival is coming up on May 3. The cost is $150 for a 10x10 space. Anyone who would like to participate please contact the Acivities Committee
Peach Festival
1st Saturday in August – rain or shine
9:00 am – 3:00 pm - Railroad Avenue
Questions contact the Peach Festival at wyomingpeachfestival@gmail.com
Hagley Craft Fair
October 18, 2025 | Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 10-4 |
"Held rain or shine on both Saturday, October 18, and Sunday, October 19. Your ticket is good for BOTH days!
This marketplace brings together talented artisans from the Mid-Atlantic area to display and sell fine arts, crafts, and gourmet items. This premier show features works in wood, leather, pottery, jewelry, fibers, metal, and other media, and includes a specialty food market."
hagleycraftfair@hagley.org is the email address used for Hagley Craft Fair vendor applications
Art on the Green - New Castle - Sept 27
Become a Vendor. We are currently taking applications for this years Art on the Green in New Castle, Delaware. Remember, Using the forms on this website is the ONLY way to apply for Art on the Green.
Bel Air festival of the Arts - Bel Air MD - Sept 21
Bel Air Festival of Arts – Bel Air Rec Committee
Bel Air Festival of Arts – Bel Air Rec Committee
The 2025 Festival will mark the 58th annual Bel Air Festival for the Arts, sponsored by the Bel Air Recreation Committee. With up to 300 artists, photographers and craftspeople, the show represents one of the largest one-day events in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Brandywine Festival of the Arts
. Site is not updated yet. Not sure if they are taking applications
Brandywine Festival of the Arts - Home
Brandywine Festival of the Arts - Home
Exciting news...the 2024 Brandywine Festival of the Arts is sold out! We are currently at capacity for vendors. If you are interested in participating, please fill out an application to be placed on our waitlist.